3 Floors of People Up Close
Friday, July 7th – Tuesday, August 22nd
No pet portraits! This show is about people, all sorts of people, up close and personal. From mug-shots to formally posed paintings, each gives us insight into the individual’s personality, mood, job, and station in life. The subjects can be anyone, or a fictional “everyman/woman”.
Friday, June 23rd, 2017
* Submissions after the deadline will be considered when feasible
Friday, June 30th, 2017
Wednesday, July 5th, 2017
Friday, July 7th, 2017
Friday, July 21st, 2017
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
* Artwork may NOT be removed before this date, unless permitted by VCAC
1. The artwork is consistent with show theme.
2. It is the original artwork in any medium by the show entrant, unless specifically exempted by VCAC. Work may or may not be for sale at the artist’s discretion.
3. The artist resides in (Ventura, Santa Barbara, or Los Angeles County).
4. The work can be exhibited using the available spaces and mounting systems of the gallery, and is "prepared" to the standards listed herein (see "About the Atrium Gallery" and "Artwork Preparation" below).
5. The work extends not more than 12" from the wall; has outside dimensions between 8" x 10" and 72" x 72"; OR is free- standing work. Discuss exceptions to these standards with the Gallery Coordinator before submitting work.
6. The artwork content is appropriate for the work place where the gallery is located. See "Limits On Subject Matter" below.
You may submit without charge up to 10 images of your artwork for review by the jury. Use the online submission form. Indicate how many pieces you are willing to enter given the applicable fees listed below, e.g. 5 of 10 submissions. If the form fails, email submissions to Gallery Curator at gallery@vcartscouncil.org please attach 1mb or smaller files, title, dimensions, and medium.
The Arts Council will jury the work submitted and notify artists which pieces are accepted for this show. A separate judge will select prize-winners.
A signed Entry/Release Form and entry fees will be collected when accepted artwork is brought in. Entry fees will ONLY be charged for work that is accepted for the show. Entry forms are available when art is brought in, or at the Atrium Gallery webpage.
1/$20; 2/$38; 3/$45; each additional entry $15
VCAC Member ($50/yr)
1/$15; 2/$20; 3/$25; each additional entry $10
VCAC Student (12 units) Member ($25/yr)
1/$12; 2/$25; each additional entry $10
The Atrium Gallery is located in a public office building where citizens must come to conduct business. Therefore, some limits are placed on artwork content. Nudity, violent images, and promotion of a religion or political parties are not acceptable. Contact the Gallery Coordinator for guidance.
The Atrium Gallery is managed for the County of Ventura by the VCAC with input from accomplished artists, arts professionals, and arts advocates from across Ventura County. The goal is to enrich the community by promoting a broad range of quality visual arts from diverse artists.
Usually $300 in prize money is split between 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners. Honorable Mentions winners receive a free entry into a future show.
Capacity - The gallery includes three floors and 400+ linear feet of wall space. Some 3000 citizens and 1200 employees pass through the gallery daily. There are usually seven competitive shows annually that display some 50 pieces on the first two floors of the Gallery, and some 100 pieces when three floors of the gallery are used. The upper floor (4th) is often set aside for curated exhibits that are staged simultaneously with the competitive shows (see Atrium Gallery Calendars).
Security - An information kiosk is located on the 1st floor of the gallery area and staffed 24/7 with security personnel. CCTV covers some of the gallery. County employees also informally monitor the artwork and promptly report problems to the Gallery Coordinator. Nevertheless, the VCAC and the County are not liable for loss or damage to artwork.
Photographing Artwork – Artwork is not to be photographed for commercial purposes – artists do not like it, and the security guards will approach you as well.
Wall-Mounted Work - Is suspended from ceiling-level tracks by steel cables that carry sliding hooks, and collectively support up to 40lbs. Heavier work can be supported with multiple cables. Light-weight work can be attached to the few carpeted walls with “hook & Loop” material. NO holes are allowed in the walls, i.e. no nails, hooks, staples, etc. etc.
Free-Standing Work - Three 4’ diameter pedestals are available cases (30”w x18”h’; 31”w x 24”h; 32”w x 24”h) to protect small work. Limited additional space is also available for free-standing artwork adjacent to these pedestals, or for an artist’s personal pedestals. Check with the Gallery Coordinator before entering such work. Delicate work can be cordoned off to further protect it. Use of electricity is very limited.
All art must be clean and ready for display. It should be appropriately presented, whether framed or un-framed. Mounting hardware (e.g. cross-wires, eye-hooks, D-rings, etc.) MUST be securely attached to the back of the work and be strong enough to support the work. Hanging wire should be attached somewhere in the top 1/4th of the piece so it will hang parallel to the wall. The center of the cross wire when stretched up-ward should be at least 2” below the top of the work so it and the hanging hooks are not visible. No saw teeth or plastic framing, please. Light-weight work may be attached to carpeted walls with “hook & loop” fasteners. VCAC will work with artists to display their artwork, and will charge to properly rig work, it but reserves the right to return work to the artist if it cannot be properly displayed.
Artists are encouraged to provide a one page Bio about their work in general, and a one page Statement about the work in the show. These will be included in the Exhibition Catalog. Provide your printed Bio and Statement when your work is delivered to the show.
Sales of artwork are coordinated through the Gallery Coordinator. Buyers provide payment to the artist, but the VCAC withholds this payment to the artist until the artist provides the applicable commission to the VCAC (15% from Arts Council members and 25% from non-members). This process helps finance the Gallery program and allows the VCAC to track sales. The Gallery Coordinator actively facilitates sales whenever possible.
The terms for participating in the exhibition are laid out on the Entry/Release Form and address damage or loss of artwork; hold harmless clauses; and photographing artwork on exhibit.
Arts Council
Ventura County Arts Council
646 County Square Drive, Suite 154
Ventura, CA 93003 – 0436
Gallery Management
Curator - Pete Ippel
Coordinator – Todd Collart
(805) 666-2532
Mounting numerous shows a year is a challenge. We therefore welcome your help. We are most busy on the Wednesdays when shows change out – monitoring out-going and in-coming work, and hanging the new show. If you are available on these days you might be granted sainthood. Your energy and imagination would be appreciated if you want to help in other ways. Artists with work in a show are particularly encouraged to assist with installing that show and the related reception.
Atrium Gallery – Three Floors:
Ventura County Government Center
Hall of Administration
800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA
Viewing Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
VCAC Office:
646 County Square Drive, Suite 154
Office Hours:
M-Th 9:00 to 12:00

Exit 101 or 126 freeways onto Victoria Ave. Enter Government Center grounds from Telephone Rd. at Lark St. and make a hard left into parking lot “G” (uncovered one). It has a 3hr. limit, but allows you to park nearest the Atrium Gallery that is located in the Hall of Administration Bldg.