2018-2019 Youth Poet Laureate
Unique Shehee
Unique Shehee was named the 2018-2019 Ventura County Youth Poet Laureate when she was 15 years old. She was born and raised in Ventura County. She attends Oxnard High School, where she plays on the tennis team, is a member of the Black Student Union and Drama Club. She recently started Building Bridges, a school club designed to create a forum for all students to discuss the political state of our county. Shehee is an honor roll student and a member of the Law Academy.
Ms. Shehee has been published in Scuffed Diamonds, a collection of Ventura County Poets. She won the 2018 Oxnard High School Poetry Slam. Shehee is a poet of social conscience, who uses life experiences to craft poems that reflect the troubles youth are faced with. She was a featured reader at the "Breaking the Silence" charity concert and performed for the Black History Month assembly at Oxnard High School. Her poetry often speaks for those who have not yet found their voice, but need to be heard.