2017 Calendar of Curated Exhibits
The Ventura County Arts Council Presents
Calendar of Curated Exhibits
(Subject to Change)
County Government Center • Hall of Administration • Atrium Gallery
800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, CA 93003 • Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm • Closed: Weekends and Holidays
1Defying Doyen
Fine Artists Under 40
Curated by Yessica Torres
Friday, January 13th -- Tuesday, February 28th
*Submissions for Jurying:
Friday, December 30th, 2016
Art Take-in:
Wednesday, January 11th
Friday, January 27th 5:30p - 7:00p
Art Pick-up:
Wednesday, March 1st
2The California Collection
Landscapes of the Golden State
Curated by Buenaventura Artists Association
Friday, April 14th -- Tuesday, May 23rd
Art Take-in:
Wednesday, April 12th
Friday, April 28th 5:30p - 7:00p
Art Pick-up:
Wednesday, May 24th
3I Am An Artist
Extinguishing Preconceptions and Illuminating Potential at Kindling Studios
Curated by Tina Ebsen
Friday, May 26th -- Tuesday, July 4th
Art Take-in:
Wednesday, May 24th
Friday, June 9th 5:30p - 7:00p
Art Pick-up:
Wednesday, July 5th
4Artists Along The 126
Curated by Fillmore Arts Guild
Friday, February 28th -- Tuesday, April 7th
Jury Selections Notice:
Friday, August 18th
Art Take-in:
Wednesday, August 23r
Friday, September 8th 5:30p - 7:00p
Art Pick-up:
Wednesday, October 11th
Go to to review detailed "Call to Artists" for each show and for instructions on submitting artwork to br juried for each show.
* Submissions by the deadline are typically given priority over those received after the dealine. Notice of acceptance is sent about one week later.
The Atrium Gallery is managed by the VCAC to provide a wide array of visual arts from diverse artists for the community's enjoyment and education, while coexisting within an active public workplace. Juried competetive shows are held throughout the year with the upper floor occaisionally used for curated exhibitions (not shown above). The VCAC usually juries submissions to competitive shows, but it secures outside Judges to select award winners. Jurying is FREE; artists only pay for work that is juried into a show (at rates that are coparable to other galleries). Approximately 3000 citizens and 1200 employees pass through the gallery daily. Its three floors includes some 400 linear feet of exhibit walls as well as limited room for free-standing small and large three-dimensional work. One-off "installation pieces" are welcomed; give us a proposal. for more imformation contact the atrium gallery at gallery@vcartscouncil.org and visit our website at www.VCArtsCouncil.org and view images of the gallery.