About Robin
Robin currently operates Robin's Nest Art School in Ojai and teaches art through the Ojai Recreation Dept.
She has been formally teaching since 2009 a wide variety of art classes to grades K-12, at Valley Oak Charter School in Ojai, and many more years experience teaching to children and adults.
She has a great love of Waldhorf and nature based arts. She loves teaching students to see the value in things considered “trash,” and find many ways to reuse those items. She is also passionate about finding ways to teach people about other cultures, inclusiveness and ways to be more environmentally and socially responsible.
Recent media coverage - Ojai Valley News:
Artist Robin Schwartzburd Finds Her Wings
Robin Schwartzburd
- Students’ characters come alive in a world of their own creation, enhanced with drawing basics, principles of art and storytelling.
Cultural Arts
- Learn about cultures and their significance, similarities between their belief systems and ours.
Environmental Awareness Arts
- Learn ways to upcycle, and reduce use of natural resources
- Learn where those recourses come from responsible ways of cleaning and disposing, and how supplies affect the environment.
Painting, Drawing & Mixed Media
- Learn principals of art, new and creative ways to use mediums, tips and tricks for best results.
*Classes are focused on Process over product, positive self-esteem, and how to work through frustration.
**Robin has expertise in a wide variety of mediums. She will work with your needs for your classroom to develop engaging and grade-level appropriate arts lessons.
California Arts Standards
- Adv.VA:Cr1.1: Visualize and hypothesize to generate plans for ideas and directions for creating art and design that can affect social change.
- 6.VA:Cr1.2: Formulate an artistic investigation of personally relevant content for creating art.
- Adv.VA:Cr1.2: Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices, following or breaking established conventions, to plan the making of multiple works of art and design based on a theme, idea or concept.
- K.VA:Cr2.1: Through experimentation, builds skills in various media and approaches to art making.
- 8.VA:Cr2.1: Demonstrates willingness to experiment, innovate, and take risks to pursue ideas, forms and meanings that emerge in the process of art making or designing.
- Prof.VA:Cr2.1: Engage in making a work of art or design without having a preconceived plan.
- 2.VA:Cr2.2: Demonstrates safe procedures for using and cleaning art tools, equipment, and studio spaces.
- 6.VA:Cr2.2: Explain environmental implications of conservation, care and clean-up of arts materials, tools, and equipment.
- 2.VA:Cr2.3: Repurpose found objects to make a new artwork or design