Treasure Hunt: Ways to Wonder

COLORSPACE by Carlos Grasso
TREE OF LIFE by Belen Islas
DIVIDED BY SIX by Ksenia McEuen
Let the art inspire you! Here are some thought-provoking questions and creative projects to enhance your experience of the artwork. Visit the showcase at 1985 S. Victoria Ave. Ventura, CA 93003 with this web page on your mobile device, or download and print the treasure hunt as a PDF. This activity is intended for all ages!

by Josiah Guzik

1. What do you see? Privately inventory or discuss.

2. What is unusual about these cabinets?

3. Nichos are used in Mexico to bring honor to special objects. If you had a nicho, what would you put in it?

4. Nichos don’t ordinarily have wings. Why do you think Josiah added wings? (Read artist statement on window)

GET CREATIVE! Draw and cut animal parts (like ears, wings, tail) to add to some piece of furniture in your house. How does that change its look?

by Carlos Grasso

1. What do you see in this window?

2. Let the emotions of these colors and textures wash over you!

3. Each window in this exhibition is showing work that reflects ideas and feelings an artist experienced in the year 2020. Read the artist statement to find out what inspired Carlos to create COLORSPACE!

4. At night, the colors in these paintings come alive like magic! If you are there at night, think about how the different colors suggest different feelings for you.

GET CREATIVE! Paint a large sheet of paper or cloth with colors and shapes. When it is dry, cut or tear the painting in pieces and think of new ways to assemble it. Weave it? Make a collage on another paper? Twist, fold, etc., make a sculpture?

by Belen Islas

1. What do you see?

2. What is unusual about the way that Belen has portrayed this tree of life? Find as many types of life as you can.

3. How do you think Belen made this collage? Can you describe the types of colors she chose? What kinds of feelings does this collage jumpstart for you?

4. In her artist statement on the window, she says she was inspired by the Tenango textiles of Mexico. Google ‘Tenango textiles’ and they will knock you out!

GET CREATIVE! Draw an outline of an animal or animals that you like. Repeat this across your paper, changing the way the animals are facing. Choose a leaf shape or something else to fill in between the animals. Now, using markers, paint or colored pencils, fill in the spaces!

by Ksenia McEuen

1. Check out all the things Ksenia has included in her 2020 installation. What do you think inspired this work?

2. Ksenia included metal arrows, a teeter totter and text panels in her work. What kind of feelings does this stir up for you? Read the artist statement and see what inspired her.

3. When you think of the last year, what words pop into your head?

GET CREATIVE! Make a list of the words that pop into your head when you think of 2020. Use those words to create a design. Use different sized letters or all the same size. Fill a page with them and find an interesting place in your house to hang it. Everyone’s list will be different. Discuss with your friends or family!

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