Suport arts in your community by supporting the Ventura County Arts Council.
Become a Friend of the Arts
Stay up to date on the arts in your community by getting our newsletter. Discover what's going on and where its happening. Find out new ways you can support the arts here in Ventura County. If there's something you think our community should know about let us know so we can get it in the next newsletter.
Become a Supporter of the Arts
Help support the arts in Ventura County. We place teaching artists in classrooms, maintain gallery space for local artists, and support our local creative economy.
Become an Evangelist for the Arts
Use the postcards you got today at the Tourism & Creative Economy Summit to send a quick note to your friends and colleagues to introduce them to the Ventura County Arts Council. We need broad support from the entire community, the more that know about us the more we can do.
The postcards are an easy and fun way to spread the word and help the arts, artists and spark children's creativity.